D'Arcy's Books
D’Arcy Kavanagh’s working life has centred on journalism and telling stories. He worked as a reporter and editor for newspapers before becoming a freelance writer for magazines and newspapers in North America and overseas. Later, he took to the classroom to teach journalism, retiring in 2012 and then working with his wife Lynda with their strategic brand marketing company, WOW Communications Corp. and a travel consulting company called WOW Tours International Inc.
A lifelong fan of the open road, D’Arcy has travelled overseas dozens of times. Usually, his trips have focused on travelling by bicycle. A self-described “cycling fanatic”, he has toured in more than 25 countries over 35 years. He estimates he has travelled by bike well over 200,000 km. (See where D’Arcy has travelled.)
D’Arcy has combined his travelling, cycling and journalism and has written 5 books. They are murder mysteries and he has very loyal followers of readers (all asking when the next book will be out).
The first two books, The Bastard is Dead and A Vintage End, have been published by BHC Press. Both are available in print from the retailers below; as an ebook and in audio from Audible and Amazon. The remaining three books in the series are being released annually.
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Barnes & Noble IndieBound Waterstones
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