
WOW  Naturopathy

I am currently taking courses to become certified as a Naturopath practitioner. Stay tuned for when I can help people with alternative and natural ways to become and stay healthy. 

I am sharing this information with people on my Instagram @wow_gal account. 

I believe in and will endeavour to follow the six fundamental principles of Naturopathy:

  1. Do no harm (Primum Non Nocere). Naturopathic practitioners approach care by utilizing the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies.
  2. The healing power of nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae). Naturopathic practitioners recognize the value of our natural world in assisting the healing process.
  3. Identify and treat the causes (Tolle Causam). Naturopathic practitioners identify the underlying causes of illness that may be the obvious causes. 
  4. Treat the whole person (Tolle Totum). Naturopathic practitioners understand the interconnectedness of our body, our enviroment and our lifestyle on total health.
  5. The doctor as a teacher (Docere). It is the job of Naturopathic practitioners to elevate patients' health literacy to help them better understand what it takes to be and stay well.
  6. Prevention is the best cure (Praevenire).  Naturopathic medicine affirms that it is better to prevent illness and suffering whenever possible.