Travel Consulting

Someday is not a day of the week, so quit wishing and start travelling

In 2000, Lynda and D'Arcy Kavanagh started WOW Tours International. Our vision then and continues to be, the “go-to source” for European travel planning and information. We are not a travel agency.

What we do is help people narrow down where they want to go with their Bucketlist of travel ideas. We don't do any bookings for people. We may make suggestions on air travel and accommodations, but we leave that up to you and we only consult on areas that we have been to multiple times. This way, we can offer you "boots on the ground" and practical experience.

We provide this travel assistance through Travel Consulting (online, Zoom or at your location) or with our Bucket List Webinars©. 

Pictured here, we were at the Pont du Gard in France. If you get to southern France, you MUST go to his spectacular bridge that was built in the first century AD. 

Our goal in starting WOW Tours was to provide inexpensive options to take the stress out of travel planning. We know that people want to expand their travel experiences but don’t know where or how to start.  We want to make people’s Bucket List trips no-hassle events!

Because of our knowledge of European travel (combined more than 70 years) and our history of helping others plan stress-free vacations, we can save people time, money, anxiety and frustration. If you’re thinking about heading to Europe, take a look at the list of where we have travelled – D’Arcy Lynda – and then contact us for help.   

Depending on where you live, we can provide travel consulting either face-to-face, to a group, or through a Zoom meeting. We are pictured below at L'Escala, Spain. People go for the fabulous beaches and clear blue Balearic Sea, but many miss the Ampurias, the most important Greek archaeological site in Spain. It is only three km away from the centre of town but there are some twists and turns in getting there.

Depending on your budget and the location you want to travel to, we can offer you ideas and suggestions or develop a day-to-day itinerary with recommended transportation and accommodations. We excel in helping people who want to plan bicycle trips.

For the do-it-yourselfers (DIY travel), our recorded Webinars offer lots of practical information for $24.95. Check out our free recorded Webinar about travelling in Provence, France. 

Our Travel Consulting fees are $200 per hour plus travel (if applicable). Most of our clients only require 2 or 3 hours, but we know that we will save you hours of frustration and stress. Our strength is that we don’t consult on any areas that we haven’t been to multiple times. We aren’t travel agents, we are specialists in giving you “boots on the ground” advice and travel tips. We feel you can book airfare, use your points and such without us or by using a travel agent.  But, we explain what to be alert for when booking air transportation... like how many hours do you need for a stop-over in Paris, Frankfurt, Fiumicino (Rome). We'll also throw in some fun things about cool accommodations in Venice, like a former  Monastery with the Pulpit still there or how about and and how where the Troglodyte homes are just outside France?  

For areas that we feel we are not qualified to help you with, we recommend talking to Tracy Hamilton at Inspired Vacations. She can help with airfare, accommodations, and booking special group tours.  

Send us an email to discuss your Bucket List trip and receive a price quote. We specialize in cycle touring but most of our locations can be a combination of bikes, cars and trains. Below are the trips we would be happy to help you with. Please note some of them have recorded webinars which are available for $24.95:

  • Cycling the Danube (Passau to Vienna)
  • Cycling the Loire Valley
  • Cycling, driving & golfing in Scotland and Ireland 
  • Cycling and walking in and around Barcelona, Paris, Boudreaux, Nice, Monaco, St. Raphael
  • Visiting Venice
  • Cycling & driving Sardinia
  • Cycling & driving in Guadeloupe, Caribbean
  • Cycling & driving in Corsica
  • Cycling in Netherlands
  • Cycling and visiting Spain (northeastern, central and southern)
  • Cycling & walking in and around Salzburg

Note Travel News:

Travelling to Europe this year or later? You will need to register. Below are some links you may want to check out. 

UK Electronic Travel Authorization

Entry/Exit System (EES)

ETIAS European Union

Lynda & D'Arcy in Girona, Spain at the Eiffel Bridge.  Gustave Eiffel built this bridge and the Eiffel Tower in France. (PS We've been to Paris eight times. Boy do we know that town!)