Tarot Card of the Week Old
Personal Card of the week: Nine of Cups
What a funny-looking character. Doesn't he look satisfied and content? Remember Tarot has no gender so even if you are a woman, this card has relevance to you. The Nine of Cups is about all things happy. Nines remind us that a task is almost completed, and cups are about emotions (passions, creativity, feeling, intuition.) So all is good in your life right now. You can see the cups are all balanced, his clothing is all balanced, nice and new compared to old and worn. He is looking straight ahead - that means he is right in the present. You have proven you can set your mind to fulfill your dreams and they will happen. This is a time to be grateful - to yourself, to those who helped you and to the universe. Keep trusting your gut, you may be almost completed one aspect of your life and it will soon become time to move to another aspect. What will that be? What can you set your sites and dreams on to make them become realities? Positive thinking is essential, trust your intuition. Open yourself up to the beauty of life. It is all around if you choose to see it. So... what's next. Enjoy this card for this week, I love this card.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Business Card of the week: The King of Rods:
Kings are all things powerful - they lead - they know the direction to move towards- they set the rules. Now, keep in mind in Tarot, there is no gender so this card is about a person who is confident and focused. This person is very much a visionary. In this picture, the King has a strong Rod. (oops someone may take that the wrong way... it isn't what you are thinking.) Rods are about career, passion, energy, belief, and opinions. Because of the rod, this week your job is to be authoritative and make decisions when you need to. Your energy is high. You inspire people. Use your creativity to take risks. Remember you can be looked at as a mentor so set a good example. Dare to be different in business this week. Life is designed to bring us to a place of self-ownership. It is time to own your career, your business, your workplace. Your attitude and the way you express yourself will make or break your reputation. Choose wisely in all your actions.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Week of August 9 (sorry I was away for most of July so didn't post those cards)
Personal Card of the week: Six of Swords, Reversed
Swords are the earth element of air and tend to be about your mind and how you handle power and being able to see truth vs fiction. Six are all about communications, cooperation and harmony.
So, upright the Six of Swords would be a card about finding a path away from problems. In the picture, you can see the boat is moving towards something. Since this card is reversed it means the opposite. You can't seem to find a way to stop getting into issues or conflict - it seems like you are out of the frying pan and right into the fire, over and over again. Either you or someone you know is rocking the boat. In the picture, you can see the water is smooth on one side but rough on the other. Which side do you want to pick? Deep down you know the path you must take and time is of the essence. When these issues arise you need to start looking at the big picture rather than just at that moment. You do know the right path, so stop talking yourself out of it.
This card could also indicate that a travel plan, involving water has been canceled. Time is of the essence to make alternative plans.
Hmmm. Here is another meaning to this card... you are planning a wedding, right now you are thinking of eloping. The advice on this is to keep a cool head and think clearly.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Business Card of the week: The Three of Rods, Reversed
Rods are about the careers and your energy, enthusiasm and beliefs. Threes are about groups, growth and creativity, so since this card was picked for your career or work life, you definitely want to pay attention to this message.
If this card was upright you would be thinking about travel and/or your next step but since it is reversed it means you are struggling to make any plans for moving forward. It is coming down to your lack of confidence. Your head is too much in past failures and your unhappiness with the choices you have made. This card is advising you to act quickly on an idea or a desire that you have been feeling. Take some time to meditate or rest and then take a look at life. You can't set a new path if you are tire and your mind is worn out. Once you have rested if that idea or desire is still there, go for it. You have nothing to lose from taking this risk. It could be a great moment in your growth so make the most of it.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
We are COVID friendly and do these FREE virtually reading through GoToMeeting.com or Zoom. @wow_gal
Weeks of the rest of July are not available - I was on holidays
Week of July 4
Queen of Swords, Reversed
Queens embody the archetype characteristics of a mother… caring, emotional energy and nurturing. Swords are all about power and truth vs fiction. What is happening right now is you are having a hard time relating emotionally to other, forget about nurturing anyone else. You need to nurture yourself. Your energy is gone. You are exhausted.
You probably have too many balls in the air and are having a hard time keeping track of everything. You are heading for burnout. Time to stop and smell the roses (Can you see them in the card?)
You need to spend some time alone to get back on your path, don’t depend on others – at this time in your life you need to do this yourself. Focus on what you know you can accomplish and make decision that benefit you. Once you get back on your path then you will know what you want. Don’t ask permission, just go for it but know that won’t get it if you burn out!
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Business Card of the Week - The Star
The Star:
Isn’t this a beautiful looking card?
The Star is a Major Arcana card about learning the big lesson in life about why you are here. What is your mission in life? As we move through our life’s paths, we are guided by a stronger power that will help you push through the challenges.
When you find your life’s mission it is almost like feeling reborn. I’m so happy to bring you this card as it is a beautiful message. You have come through some hard times but that is all behind you. You now have the energy to move forward. There is a helping hand guiding you – the Universe has your back.
If you have a wish, today with this card is the day to set that wish in motion. Your mind and will are powerful. Set your focus and have those positive thoughts to trust your instincts.
Hmmm… if you have been thinking about doing something artistic, this card encourages you to pursue that interest.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Week of June 28
Personal Card of the week - Strength:
I haven’t pulled this as a social media card since the first week of January, so it makes sense that this will be a reminder for you for the later part of this year.
Strength is a Major Arcana card so that means you want to sit up and pay attention. This card is about learning the life lesson about having inner strength and subtle control. You don’t have to be aggressive to get things done because you can fall back on your confidence and knowledge.
This is the time to make some decisions on the future of your life. This thought process may still be just in your subconscious but it is time to bring it to the forefront. You have overcome obstacles (COVID and other crap!) but you have learned how to control your fears. As we progress through life, things get a bit more complicated.
Be confident. Be daring. You have all the skills you need to succeed. Tell those inner fears to go away – believe in yourself. Show your strength and power in confidence but not through aggression.
You are growing and evolving – enjoy the ride!
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Business Card of the week - the Devil Reversed
The Devil. What a scary-looking card and just the name is enough to scare the pants off anyone, but because it is reversed this actually is a very rewarding card.
As part of the Major Arcana, The Devil card is about learning lessons about feeling obligated or restricted. Because it is reversed that means you are learning those lessons. You know that you are never trapped in a situation and you now realize when you feel those feeling of obligation, restriction, trapped, that you have to look within and understand how you had a role to play in that situation.
In this card, you can see that the people are not bound by chains and are free to leave at any time, but they don’t have the confidence to make a decision to unbind them from the card. Because this card is reversed you are getting your control back. You are motivated to change a situation that has been holding you back. You have a new perspective and know that you can fix that.
This card also has a bit of a message in watching who will come into your life in the next little while – if they are negative about life – stay away from them.
Week of June 20
Personal Card of the Week - 3 of Cups, Reversed:
Okay… some of you out there are having some challenges with friends.
Since I started pulling a Tarot Card of the week in December, I had never pulled the Three of Cups until June 6. Today I pulled it again but it was in the reverse position – which is basically the opposite of the upright card. So, what happened in the last three weeks?
This card is all about friendship and intuition. Some sort of celebration has been canceled or you were hoping to get an invite to a party or celebration and it didn’t happen. Some bitchiness and backstabbing are happening. People are gossiping about you and you now realize some people who you thought were friends clearly are not. You know who it is, your gut has told you this in the past but you weren’t paying attention.
We are moving into having more social activities so be careful who you trust. Are these people really your friend? If they are, they will sense someone has wronged you and will come to your defense? If they don’t support you…find new friends.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Business Card of the Week - Judgement Reversed:
Okay… some of you out there are having some challenges with friends.
Since I started pulling a Tarot Card of the week in December, I had never pulled the Three of Cups until June 6. Today I pulled it again but it was in the reverse position – which is basically the opposite of the upright card. So, what happened in the last three weeks?
This card is all about friendship and intuition. Some sort of celebration has been canceled or you were hoping to get an invite to a party or celebration and it didn’t happen. Some bitchiness and backstabbing are happening. People are gossiping about you and you now realize some people who you thought were friends clearly are not. You know who it is, your gut has told you this in the past but you weren’t paying attention.
We are moving into having more social activities so be careful who you trust. Are these people really your friend? If they are, they will sense someone has wronged you and will come to your defense? If they don’t support you…find new friends.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Week of June 13
Three of Rods
Rods are about careers, passion and energy with a twinge of belief systems and opinions. Threes are all about temporary situations and creatively with groups. So put them together and this is all about where you want to go in your personal life but…. This card could also be about where you want to travel to. Yippee we are almost there – get your vaccines so we all can travel!
You have been working hard at something and that is finally paying off. You have reached a level of success based on your idea of what success is. You are happy with the choices you have made in your life and now you are looking towards the future. Do you want to move? Do you want to renovate your home? Do you want to buy something frivolous? Do you want to reward yourself with travel? Whatever you are dreaming about it has to do with… “what’s next”.
It is time to spread your winds, move yourself forward find your new path or start on a new journey. You have every right to be self-confident and right now… fortune favours the brave. Make your future plan and do it.
(If you are serious about this, contact us for a reading. The Celtic Cross is an excellent way to see where you have been in the past and what opportunities or challenges are on your pathway.)
Business/Career Card of the Week – Ace of Swords, Reversed
Aces are about beginning something – a new project, fleshing out a new idea or starting a new job or careers. Swords are all about what’s going on in your head and trying to figure out what is right/ wrong or true/false.
Because this card is reversed it has some strong dark meanings. It looks like you may have made some wrong decisions and those were either based on misinformation or someone purposely being destructive to you. You are having a hard time concentrating because of brain fog and lately your communications with others are just a wee bit off.
You have let your brain get tangled up with the wrong thinking and are totally forgetting the one thing that matters most. What is that? Rather than address whatever problems/ challenges are forcing you to focus on the wrong things, you are making all kinds of excuses. Stop it. What matters most to you – right now – at this phase of your life? Address it. Focus on it. Make it the centre of your thoughts. You may not know it but this is a defining moment in your life path. Choose wisely.
Personal Card of the week: The High Priestess (Reversed):
This card is all about a major life moment in finding your inner wisdom, some call it your gut instincts. We all have this inner wisdom; it comes from your current and past lives but sometimes we forget to trust it. Inner wisdom is all about intuition that comes from the book of knowledge you have in your head.
Remember, that Tarot Cards don’t have genders so if you are a guy and you see this image, it just means you are accessing the feminine part of your personality. No matter what your gender is we all access feminine and masculine parts of our personality. This card is telling us that your intuition is trying to guide you and your instinct is right. What is your gut telling you? I could be your subconscious is leading the way – that comes about through your dreams. Sit back and pay attention.
The universe is telling you something, pay so quit trying to ignore it. This week is the time to address what your secret desires are by getting a sense of who you are inside. If your have a passion but you are pushing it to the back, stop. Ask yourself what is the worst that could happen if you follow that passion. If your intuition keeps reminding you then the worst that could happen is you keep blocking that path.
Don’t lead your life worrying about others’ opinions.
Business / Career Card of the Week – 3 of Cups
I have been posting Tarot Card’s of the week since December and this card has never come up. People in business or with a career will be happy to see it – because it is a fun card!
Cups are messages about the heart, emotions, creativity and intuition. Threes are also about creativity so it looks like this week is a doubly- strong message to be creative. This is a card about parties, getting together with friends or associates and just enjoying life. Whoop. In Alberta our COVID restrictions are extended to 10 people in outdoor gatherings so get out and do this. How will this help your business or career?
Well, all work and no play stifles creativity. Being around people you like creates positive energy, support, encouragement and teamwork in the workplace. If possible, this is a time to take your office mates for a walk, have a cup of coffee in a park, or just go sit in the sun for a bit and creatively brainstorm about where you want to take your business or career. The sun is a natural generator of creative energy.
You have a full seven days to schedule this gathering so no procrastination. The quicker you set the date the more you have a chance to look forward to this event.
Personal card of the week: The Devil
As part of the Major Arcana, which is all about the life lessons we need to learn, The Devil is all about feelings of obligation, restrictions or the negative side of money.
You have some internal demons niggling at you. You are feeling a bit trapped or stuck. If you look at the card, the people in the image are not chained they are free to do what they want. It is an illusion that you may feel restricted or held back but in reality you have total control, all you have to do is look at the situation from a different angle. This may be a time where you have to change your belief system. Something may feel good or right now, but in the long run, you are going to be happy.
So…. Do you choose the Devil you know or the Devil you don’t know? Don’t waste time. If the situation isn’t working for you get out. Show some spunk, assert your agenda, express yourself honestly and let the chips fall where they may.
Business card of the Week - 9 of Pentacles, Reversed:
Nines are interesting cards. We all have multiple journeys that we embark on in our lifetime, and from these journeys, we will grow and learn so we can move on to another journey. Nines mean you are almost completed one of them. Pentacles is about things your own or have – money, material or physical.
When these two meanings show up in a reading but in the reversed position, it means you haven’t learned the life lesson that material possessions are not always the key to happiness. You won’t be able to move past the nine of Pentacles until you learn this lesson.
You have been working really hard and you have been making money but so what! What about your life? You are letting life pass you by. It is time o make some changes in your lifestyle so you can find your inner self. Have some fun. Pamper yourself. Spend some money. It is okay to enjoy the rewards of working hard. Also, acknowledge the support from those around you in the journey you have been on.
Two side notes:
- If you are a female and thinking of marrying for money. You won’t be happy if that is the only reason.
- If you are considering an investment into something right now. Do your homework, this card indicates it may not be a good idea.
Week of May 16 - 23
Personal Card of the Week – Judgement, Reversed
The Judgment card is a Major Arcana card – I call them the BIG Cards and they are about life lessons we must learn in this lifetime.
This card is calling you to rise up and move forward, but in the case of a reversal this means you are blocking this mindset. You need to make a decision or a change but just don’t know how to go about doing it. Fear and self-doubt are holding you back. You thought you had let go of your limitations but clearly you have not.
Why are you punishing yourself for past mistakes? All that does is weaken your confidence. Now, is the time to take action or you will begin (if you haven’t already) missing out on opportunities. Forgive yourself, your brain is what is limiting you.
Step out of that comfort zone, trust your talents and gifts, refuse to be manipulated by others and make whatever decision you have to make that is best FOR YOU!
Business / Career Card of the Week – Three of Rods
Rods are about careers, passion and energy with a twinge of belief systems and opinions. Threes are all about temporary and creatively with groups. So put them together and this is all about where you want to go… could be in business but this could also be about travel.
Your hard work has paid off and you have reached a level of success. You are happy with the choices you have made in your career life and now you are looking towards the future. Do you want to expand? Do you want to reward yourself with travel (whenever that happens). But you are starting to think about “what’s next”.
It is time to spread your winds, move your business or self forward. You have every right to be self-confident and right now… fortune favours the brave. Make the plan and do it.
Week of May 9 - 15
Personal Card of the Week – High Priestess, Reversed
So, I am an authentic Tarot Card reader in that I don’t pull cards to make them fit the situation. The card is the card I pull. Today, I really did pull the High Priestess card and it may be because of the Mothers’ Day vibe I’ve had all day. For all you Mom’s out there, this card is for you…. BUT remember Tarot doesn’t have genders so for you guys there may be relevant in this card for you.
The High Priestess is part of the Major Arcana card – that means it is about learning life lessons. Because it is reversed, it means you are fighting the lesson of not listing to your intuition or recognizing it and holding it back. Your intuition is actually trying to guide you to a better path. Could it be you are listening too much to others and not to yourself because you lack self-belief? This card is a reminder to balance your outer self with your inner self – make you needs, desires and purpose in life known to others. Doing this is the only way to turn those needs, desires, and purpose into reality. You have all kinds of excuses for why you can’t live your life to what is best for you – stop with the excuses.
Business Card of the Week:
Pentacles are all about wealth – money, physical or material. Knights are all about being on a mission to do something.
This is a real “don’t hold back punches” card. It is straight talk, please pay attention to it. Don’t totally discount this card right away, take some time to think about the meaning.
Why are you so obsessed with money? This obsession is blocking you from seeing what other wealth you have. Lately you have been impatient and a bit unreliable – these are not traits that are normally associate with you, quite the opposite. This is because all your focus is on looking at the money part of your life and not seeing all the marvelous other aspects of life that are right in front of you.
What are you investing your time and money into? Have you stopped to think if that energy is really beneficial to you? Your common sense has been blocked and you can’t see that work is not the end all be all. IT IS OKAY TO HAVE FUN AND STILL BE RELIABLE.
Look at the people you have been surrounding yourself with, do they really have the same values, beliefs and goals that you have? Time to reassess.
This might be a time for a full Tarot Card reading may provide a bit more direction than this one card. We do them for free and virtual. For details go to our links below and set up a reading.
Week of May 2 - 8
Personal Card of the Week – Two of Pentacles
I really think this card is so bang-on because it is all about the ups and downs of life. Twos are all about partnerships, teamwork and balance. Pentacles are about financial, material and physical wealth.
If you look at this card, the person is trying to juggle two Pentacles while trying to keep his silly hat on. The two of Pentacles really is telling you to find a balance. The background is a body of water that is turbulent so that means this card is a bit of a warning. You are trying to juggle too many things and it has to do with trying to create wealth (financial, physical or material). Up to this point, you have been resourceful but you can’t keep things in the air much longer – it is time to make a decision.
Take a look at where you are putting your energies, what can you cut back on so you can focus on what is the most important? Make a decision but also put contingency plans in place just in case the decision doesn’t work out the way you envisioned it would.
Business Card of the Week - The Tower
“S..t!” Yup, I swore when I pulled this card for a business or career message.
The Tower is one of the Major Arcana cards and those cards are big lessons we must learn in this lifetime. This is not a great card, especially for the turbulence all businesses have been going through this last year. I was hoping the card was reversed because then it is a good card and means the opposite of what I’m about to tell you. This card is a catalyst for change.
Something in your business or career life has shaken you. If it hasn’t happened it will this week. It will be sudden and you won’t be prepared for it. Maybe it seems like a bunch of bad luck has come your way and all you want to do is say “Give me a *** break!
It is scary and unavoidable – but – you will get through it. You need this to happen so a fresh start on better footing can happen. Once you are over this chaos, you will be able to look back and realize it was difficult but it will make you into the person you want to be. So, in the long run, after the turbulence, it will turn out for the best.
I know it’s hard to put a good spin on this card but think of yourself as an agent of change. Confronting this change will be a life moment. You will go through this. You will survive and it will finally become clear what direction you need to take your life in. Hang in there, let it happen and learn what you need to do to switch to the right path. I hope I can pull this card but in a reversed position in a couple of weeks and then it means the turbulence is all over and done with!
Week of April 25 - May 1
Personal Card of the Week – Queen of Cups
Queens are Court Cards in Tarot and they can either represent you or someone you know. Don’t get confused with this being a Queen – there is no gender in Tarot. We all access the feminine and masculine parts of our being. Cups are all about your heart – feelings, creativity and intuition.
The Queen of Cups embodies the archetype of a mother – strong, caring, nurturing and determined. You or someone you know has the ability to relate emotionally to people. You or someone you know, has mastered their intuition so their gut tells them how to help others, or, when the time is right, to stick their nose into a situation. You or someone you know puts self to the last and can get overwhelmed because of helping others.
If this is you, be generous, kind and forgiving of others? Support them but make sure it is not to your detriment. It’s a fine line you have to walk.
If this is someone you know, understand they are there to help you. To nurture and give you energy from their intuition but you can’t always rely on them, you must find your own inner strength.
Business / Career Card of the Week – Five of Rods
Rods, in Tarot, are about career passion, energy and your beliefs. Since I pulled this while thinking of careers or your business, this is something to pay attention to.
Fives are all about change, instability and confrontation. Here’s a question: Are you dealing with tension right now? (Who the heck isn’t!!!) Well, if you can identify what that tension is, you need to understand that it is causing you to not move forward. If you look at this card, you can see that there is no teamwork with the people displayed in the card. They all are looking and moving in different directions. No one is listening to anyone else. Because this is a five card which is a midway point, how you deal with this tension will set the stage for the next while.
Competition is good but only if it isn’t mean, nasty or done to purposely hurt someone else. You need to determine what path you want to take, one that will be full of tension, conflict and competition, or find a way to create teamwork and compromise. However, you choose will set the stage for the next few months. Choose carefully.
Week of April 18 - 24
Personal Card of the Week – Page of Pentacles, reversed
Pages are usually about learning something new or getting a message of some sort. Pentacles are about money, material wealth but also physical wealth.
When this card is reversed it means you have been a bit rebellious or irresponsible lately on something/ some project. You were to do it but you didn’t want to so you either did it “half-assed” or you are doing it without any kind of enthusiasm. It is showing. Now you have to think about setting some goals and following through with those goals. It is a time for you to change some of your attitudes. You have to accept that some of the challenges you are confronting are of your own doing or inaction. Since this is a Pentacles card, this has to do with money, something you own or your physical health. (Covid fat???)The message or lesson you should be learning is that you first need to identify what it is you are procrastinating on and then set a new plan to just get it done?
One thing we always need to remember is that your destiny won’t come to you, you need to ride out and meet it. If you have a dream, go get it.
Business / Career Card of the Week – Temperance
Okay I drew this card for the March 28 personal card of the week, so someone who owns a business or has a career is not paying attention!
Temperance is one of the Major Arcana cards and they are all about learning lessons in life. So, someone out there better pay attention because twice in one month is like getting struck by lightning. Temperance means moderation. Stop going to the extremes and start finding a middle ground. So, you have had some traumatic experiences – learn from them or you will repeat them. Did you make a decision too hastily and then regretted it? Learn from that. We always have time to think even with short deadlines but thinking things through will only make the result better. Moderation baby! That’s your word for the next week or this card will come up again in two weeks! Just warning you!
Week of April 11 - 17
Personal Card of the Week – The Star, Reversed
The Star is part of the Major Arcana. I call them “big cards” because they are all about learning life lessons. As we go through our lives, we learn these lessons that help us become better people but also in how to deal with the ups and downs that life will always bring us.
The Star reversed has shown up in my past Social Media posts so someone is not paying attention. Is that you?
The Star reversed indicates you are struggling to find the reason you are on this earth – what is your mission? You are feeling out of sync. Some past issues have drained you for the lust for life. Have you been accident prone lately, tripping over your own feet, knocking things over, etc. You are feeling clumsy because you are at odds with yourself. Your conscious mind is saying one thing but your subconscious is saying the opposite. Lose the negative thoughts.
To get back in sync lose the negative thoughts. Look at the beauty of life all around you. Find one or two things every day to be grateful for. Stop existing and find what you truly should be doing with your life – the set the plan to do it.
Business / Career Card of the Week – The Wheel of Fortune, Reversed
The Wheel of Fortune is part of the Major Arcana. I call them the “big” cards as they are all about the lessons we should learn in our lives. Yes, that is plural we do have multiple lives. This card is about fate, good luck, karma and destiny.
Everyone has good luck and bad luck. With The Wheel of Fortune being reversed, this means that you haven’t learned from your mistakes. If you think you have bad karma it is because you have made a decision or an action that didn’t work the way you wanted it to, but you didn’t take the time to analyze why. Until you do that, you will continue to make those same decisions/ actions/ mistakes that are not good for you long term.
It is time to take control. Seize this opportunity to review those decisions/ actions/ mistakes that didn’t work out for you. Don’t resist change. Think of this as a time in your life to renew yourself – to chart a new path. So, even though the reverse aspect of this card sounds dark, you can address past errors and change directions. Go for it.
Week of April 4 - 10
Personal Card of the Week – Two of Cups
Nice! This is a great card to start the week with because it is very positive. Twos are about partnerships, balance and teamwork. Cups are all about the heart; emotions, creativity and intuition. This card is saying that your life is good you are living in harmony with others and you are in demand! This could be at work or in a relationship. This card could also indicate the start of a new relationship at work or in love – gosh let me know if that happens!
This card says to speak your heart. If there is someone you are trying to connect with, and it doesn’t have to be a love thing, it can be just wanting to get to know someone better. Go ahead and do it. They feel the same. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Business / Career Card of the Week – The Four of Swords, Reversed
This may look like a scary card but actually, it is very positive. Fours are all about structure, stability, dependability and grounding yourself. Swords are about your mind – your intellect and you being able to tell the difference between truth and fiction, right and wrong.
This card indicates you are coming out of some sort of isolation or some challenges. (Covid what?) But you are healing. You’ve found your inner strength and your mind is starting to relax. This is a warning that you need to take care of yourself. Your mind and body can only be pushed so far before it reaches a breaking point. Clear your head of any negativity and mental overload. Remember what you are good at – what others admire about you and let that build your confidence. If you still don’t feel confident, it is okay to chat with someone about this. It’s amazing when you hear other’s perspectives of who they know you are, how liberating and confidence-building that can be.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Week of March 28 - April 3
The Personal Card of the week is Temperance:
Temperance is a Major Arcana card which is about learning the life lesson of making the right changes to need in life, but then taking the time for yourself to rest. Way back in January, I pulled this card but it was reversed. So, it appears some of you out there have seen clarity and started to learn this lesson.
Temperance is all about moderation, not extremes, finding that middle grown with yourself and others. If you have experienced something dramatic, what have you learned from it? To avoid anything like that in the future you have to learn lessons. Now, if you have to make a decision about something very important to your life direction, please don’t be hasty. Wait for a bit and see how things turn out. You definitely don’t want to get pulled into other people’s issues. Seek the middle way and go with the flow. Temperance is about finding balance.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Business / Career Card of the Week – The Eight of Cups, Reversed
Eights are all about mastering something, a feeling of completion and action. Cups are all about the heart; your emotions, feelings, creativity and intuitions.
The Eight of Cups reversed indicates you have a fear of commitment to something. Since this is a card about careers or business, what event happened that you are faking being over it but you really aren’t? You have been resilient and have bounced back from setbacks in the past but there is one thing that is still niggling at you. Don’t be afraid to move forward – you will be much better if you can let this go and move on. It is time to learn how to transform disappointments into a will to change. Congratulations, it is time to learn not to be vulnerable again.
Week of March 14 - 20
Personal Card of the Week: The Star, Reversed:
The Star is part of the Major Arcana. I call them “big cards” because they are all about learning life lessons. As we go through our lives, we learn these lessons that help us become better people but also in how to deal with the ups and downs that life will always bring us.
The Star reversed indicates you are struggling to find the reason you are on this earth – what is your mission? You are feeling out of sync. Some past issues have drained you for the lust for life. Have you been accident prone lately, tripping over your own feet, knocking things over, etc. You are feeling clumsy because you are at odds with yourself. Your conscious mind is saying one thing but your subconscious is saying the opposite. Lose the negative thoughts.
To get back in sync lose the negative thoughts. Look at the beauty of life all around you. Find one or two things every day to be grateful for. Stop existing and find what you truly should be doing with your life – the set the plan to do it.
Business Card of the Week – The High Priestess
This is cool, tonight I have pulled two Major Arcana cards. The card for people’s life in general was The Star, Reversed, but for the Business Card of the week it is The High Priestess. The Major Arcana cards are all about learning life lessons. The High Priestess is about finding your inner wisdom and using your intuition. Now, guys, just because this card is showing a woman that doesn’t mean it can’t relate to you. Men have feminine aspects of their personality and women have masculine aspects – the Tarot doesn’t have a gender.
For this week, The High Priestess is telling you to pay close attention to what yoru gut is telling you and trust it. It is your intuition guiding you and is often in your subconscious mind so you may not really know what the message is that is being sent to you. Are you dreaming lately? That is a sign your subconscious is trying to tell you something. Sit back, the universe is telling you something pay attention and trust your gut.
Week of February 21 - 27
Business Card of the Week - 10 of Rods:
Oh, brother what a week last week was at works! You had so much to do and so many balls in the air that you just felt overloaded. With the 10 of Rods, all that weight is almost off your shoulders.
Tens are about completion and Rods are about work, careers, etc. Something in the past started off as a good idea and then boom, it just became a burden. As of late you have just taken on too much and now you are at burnout stage.
The end is in sight, so keep plugging along and finish these tasks that you started. Then learn to say NO, or before you say YES to something analyze it, look at the rest of the load you are carrying, then ask yourself if this “good ideas” could turn into a burden. Then act accordingly!
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Personal Card of the Week – The Fool
Don’t get all pissy, I’m not calling you a fool.
Remember what it was like when you first learned a skill? You probably weren’t very good at it. That’s the Fool.
This card is all about being on a journey to embrace new beginnings or something new. This is an exciting card because it means you are on the verge of something really exciting.
There is lots of potential around this card, but you need to be like learning that new skill, be open, be spontaneous and be prepared to not do it perfectly to start. This is a life lesson so take that leap of faith and follow whatever that new thing is – new idea, new job, new opportunity if something new comes up this week – go for it! This is the start of a very interesting journey for you.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Week of Feb 14 - 20
Lynda’s Personal Tarot Card of the week is 3 of Pentacles, Reversed!
Threes are about temporary situations, groups, growth and creativity. Pentacles are about finances or material wealth. With this card being reversed that means some of the message is darker. The three of Pentacles reversed means you are feeling a bit overwhelmed and not sure if you are doing things right. You need to ask yourself if you really put in the effort to learn how to do this task better, or are you just bored and not giving it your all? The lesson you don’t seem to be learning, is you keep saying “Yes” to things you really don’t want to do. Next time, say “NO” and find someone who is more skilled at this that you are. Remember, threes are temporary so either pass this task to someone else or hunker down and just get it done.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
If you want to see if last week’s card came true, or just want to know more about tarot reading, go to our website wowcommunications dot ca and click on “Store”. We have a lot more Tarot information on that section or on Instagram @wow.tarot.
We are COVID friendly and do these FREE virtually reading through GoToMeeting.com.
#wow.tarot #tarotreading #tarotcards
Business Card of the week: 7 of Rods
Rods are about careers, passion and energy. Sevens are about evaluation, reflection and assessment. So, for this week you may have to be strong at work when sticking firm to your beliefs. Some people are trying to get you to change how you believe things should be done, don’t get pushed around. Stay strong. Yes, your life is hectic and it is easy to just go with the flow but in this case, you will regret doing that later. There are time when you have to be protective, defensive and forceful in your life – this is one of those times.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Week of February 7 - 13
Personal Card of the Week: King of Rods, Reversed
If it is the masculine part of you, because it is in the reversed position, that means your your energy has dropped and you lack enthusiasm to accomplish what tasks need to be done. Are you taking a back seat to others? Are you worrying too much about what others are thinking of you? It is time to step outside your comfort zone. Life is designed to bring us to a place of self-ownership. An opportunity for self-empowerment is presenting itself to you now. It is your attitude and believe that will allow you to see this opportunity or not.
Now, the other mean this card could be is about an authority figure in your life. It could be a boss, supervisor, family or friend. This person has become rude and just down right nasty. This person knows, that at this time in your life you lack confidence and they are taking advantage of this. Step forward and take on more tasks that align you with your goals in life, don’t let this person keep you behind them. They are doing this to benefit themselves because they are weak and afraid you will show you know more than them.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Business Card of the Week:
Sevens are all about evaluation, reflection and assessment. Cups are all about emotions, feeling, creativity and intuition.
This card indicates you have lots of choices. In looking at the card – some choices look great and others, well not so inviting. You have been doing a lot of wishful thinking lately but you just can’t have everything you are dreaming about. The card indicates you are taking on too many tasks and you aren’t doing a good job at all of them. It is time to be realistic on what choices you should accept and which you should let go. That’s hard to do. Find something that stimulates your endorphins – go for a walk, lift some weights, buy yourself flowers… do something that will clear your brain and then the choices you have in front of you will be easier to prioritize and which you should let go.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
The Sun:
I love this card. Every time I pull it for myself or in a reading for a client it makes me smile. The artist of my Tarot Deck was David Palladini and he was really into Art Deco. I think he went overboard with this card but it visually says everything this card means.
The Sun is part of the Major Arcana. I like to call them the sit up and take notice cards and what have you learned from this life lesson? For this week recognize that your journey has brought you to this good luck space. You have enthusiasm, energy and joy on almost all fronts. People are drawn to you because of the happy vibes you give off. Sure, sometimes things in life suck but you have learned to just shake your head and see something positive in any bad stuff. No one likes to be around a Debbie Downer and you’ve learned that with how you can make others feel good even in bad times.
This week be confident. You have the power to keep inviting positive good things to come your way.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Business Card of the week:
Three of Swords (Reversed)
Yikes! What a nasty looking card. Breathe, Breathe, Breathe with the card reversed it takes some of the darkness out of this card. It really is an optimistic card because you are over the worst part.
It is time for you to release whatever pain is in your heart. You had some sort of separation or breakup (person, job, group, etc.) but you still have the pain when you think of it. It was tough for a while but the feelings are mending and your communications about this situation is improving.
Sometimes conflict is necessary to clear the air and get things moving in the right direction. We have to realize sometimes our words or actions can really hurt people’s hearts. It is time for you to stop holding onto the pain that was caused by something/ someone and just let it go. You will be happier once you have done that.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Business Card of the Week:
This is a Major Arcana card and that is about learning how to use your feminine part to nurturing others and sharing your knowledge. It appears you have figured this out. Don’t freak out guys – everyone has feminine and masculine qualities. This is a very creative card and encourages you to go with the flow. You have the wisdom you need so trust your good sense – don’t second guess yourself. This demonstrates the finest aspects of your personality. Prosperity, success and abundance are what this card will bring to you if you trust your instincts. Wow! What a great card to start the week with.
Personal Card of the Week:
Temperance (Reversed):
This is a Major Arcana card and that is about learning life lessons. It appears you haven’t quite mastered the lesson of Temperance. That means you are feeling off balanced especially with having patience. Are you clashing with friends, family or co-workers? There seems to be no middle ground to a situation that has gone past that. It is now time to make a decision. You can no longer sit on the fence. This card could also be about overdoing things – are you working too much, eating too much, drinking too much, shopping to much… what are you doing to extremes that is not serving you well? Find that extreme and realize it is time to rest.
Week of January 18, 2021
Personal Card of the Week:
The High Priestess (Reversed):
This card is all about a major life moment in finding your inner wisdom. We all have it but sometimes we forget to trust it. Inner wisdom is all about intuition and the book of knowledge you have in your head.
If you are a guy that means you are accessing the feminine part of your personality. No matter what your gender is we all access feminine and masculine parts of our personality. This card is about the feminine part telling us to listen to our guts! What is your internal guidance telling you? I could be your subconscious is leading the way – that comes about through your dreams. Sit back and pay attention. The universe is telling you something, pay attention. This week is the time to address what your secret desires are by getting a sense of who you are inside.
Don’t lead your life worrying about others’ opinions.
Business Card of the Week:
The Two of Rods:
This is a perfect card for business as Rods are all about careers, power and intuition. The number two is about partnerships, balance and teamwork.
Look at the person in the card, he is looking towards the future. He has two rods to pick from and must decide on which to choose? This week you may find yourself in a deadlock of energies that seem to be working against each other. You have to make a decision but it is one of those damned if you do or damned if you don’t decisions?
This indecisiveness could also just be in your mind. For example, you are optimistic about something and then those pessimistic thoughts start to knock the optimism down.
This type of thinking on not making a choice is most likely coming from having some self doubt. Now, is the time to step outside your comfort zone. Try a different business model. Try a new sales approach. Just trust yourself and make a choice then follow through with that choice – no regrets.
Week of Jan 11, 2021
Business Card of the Week: The Hermit:
This is an important life lesson card about what’s happening inside your head. It is a time for soul searching and self-reflection. You could be going through a bit of an “anti-social” stage (hence the Hermit). It’s okay to be alone and step back to have a conversation with yourself about your future. In this case it could be about where you want to take your career or if you are an owner of a business, where do you want to take the business? Life is too short so finding a career path that excites you is essential.
Your gut knows what needs to be done but you have to spend some time alone to find the right path. Find a way to close out the daily grind and discover what you really want out of life. But, 15 minutes of pondering is not enough. Go for a walk, go somewhere that you won’t be distracted by pressures of work and life and really think about the direction you want to take your career/ business life to. Then set a plan to accomplish that.
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
Personal Card of the Week: 8 of Swords Reversed:
Week of January 4, 2021
Personal Card of the Week: Knight of Swords (Upright)
This is a great card to start the year off. It is about being on a mission – life is changing and even if you are uncertain about the future- it is time for you to embrace the changes that are coming (like them or not).
When this change happens, roll with it. All change is difficult but this will be for the better good. You are assertive, quick witted and direct and use those to your advantage when this change presents itself to you. This could be life-changing. Now is the time to be a bit of a risk-taker. It is not always to your advantage to follow all commands leaders give you. You have independent thought. Swords are all about using your intellect to flesh out the truth. Once you know that truth, then make it happen.
Business Card of the Week - Strength (Upright)
What a perfect card for confronting business in 2021. This card is about learning the life lesson about having inner strength and subtle control. You don’t have to be aggressive to get things done because you can fall back on your confidence and knowledge.
This is the time to make some decisions on the future of your business. This thought process may still be just in your subconscious but it is time to bring it to the forefront. You have overcome obstacles (COVID!!!) but you have learned how to control your fears.
Be confident. Be daring. You have all the skills you need to succeed. Tell those inner fears to go away – believe in yourself. Show your strength and power in confidence but not through aggression.
You are growing and evolving – enjoy the ride!
Week of December 20 - 26
Business Card of the week: The Star (Upright):
This is a major life lesson card and is all about regeneration, rebirth, hope and renewal. You are feeling positive and motivated – almost like a “free” feeling. You have come through some rough times and they are all behind you. You feel like you want to find a strong sense of purpose – and you will. The Universe has your back. Great card – now think how you can implement it!!!
Please share with anyone you think may benefit from this message. As always, take what resonates and release the rest!
If you want to match your week with last week’s card, or just want to know more about tarot reading, go to http://wowcommunications.ca and click on Tarot Readings.
BTW Monday is the winter solstice and… Jupiter and Saturn are aligned. This hasn’t happened in 800 year. All kinds of great things will happen so set your intention to move forward.
Week of December 14 - 19:
Personal Tarot Card of the week: Page of Rods
Your energy and confidence have taken a bit of a thump. This means you are holding back with ideas that you should be acting on or sharing. Now is the time to rest and then open your mind to ideas and actions. Think them through and then, either act on them, or share them with others. You have some good ideas that just need a bit of massaging but once that has been done, it's time to act.
BTW. It is not a bad thing to have some fun this week. Be playful. Be young at heart. Life is to be enjoyed not to be negative or lethargic.
Business/ Career Tarot Card of the week: Judgement
This is a bit of a resurrection card, all the knowledge of your past lives have provided you with information that will help you make an important decision this week. Trust your instincts when making this decision. It may not be popular with others but if you are truthful and act honourably, they will not judge you.
If you don't feel you have an important decision to make this week, then ask yourself if you are judging someone a bit too harshly. Have you jumped to a conclusion about someone or their actions without looking at it through their eyes? Be a bit empathetic, that will earn you respect.
Week of December 6 - 12:
Personal Tarot Card of the week:
Okay, time to fess up. You did something recently that you are not really proud of. It wasn't anything big but it's been nagging at you or you feel a bit clumsy because your conscience is not clear. It could have been that you cut in front of someone in a line, or you didn't share your gratitude with someone you should have or you were just being a bit of a brat / bag / jerk / whatever to someone who didn't deserve that attitude. It's time to come clean with your conscience. Have a chat with yourself and admit that whatever the action that was done is not really you. Try to make amends if you can and if not, promise yourself to be better next time. Once you come clean with yourself the nagging, clumsy feeling will stop.
Take from this message whatever resonates with you and release the rest.
Business Tarot Card of the week: Ten of Rods:
You have been feeling overloaded with things that need to be done at work. Maybe it was something you started that seemed like a good idea at the time but now it has become a burden. Or, maybe you are just so tired with responsibility or stress that you feel everything is an uphill battle.
Just know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You are almost finished whatever task that is causing you this feeling of burden. Even though you may feel overwhelmed, focus your efforts on it and get it done. You won't be able to give justice to anything else at work until you have completed that task. Once done, celebrate. Give yourself a fist pump and then take a big of a rest. Clear your mind and then you will be able to move onto something else. In the meantime, don't take on any more work, tasks or obligations until you finish this one and have rested.
Take whatever from this message that resonates with you and release the rest.